Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!
I have never robbed nobody. I have never kilt nobody. I have sinned, I have sinned, I have greatly sinned. How great a sin it is to injure God’s kind and tender grace; but I have broken His commandments with my peccadilloes and my pride. And now I sorely regret any misdeed, unkind word, untoward thought ever conceived and acted in all my life. But let no one assume the worst. I never robbed a bank. I never killed anyone. I have never been a secret criminal. I am not guilty of gross sins, my sins are bad enough but not to alarm anyone. They are the quotidian sins of commission and omission, not those that make the news or require a bishop’s absolution. Still I regret them one and all. I am not
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