Living in the Lord: that’s Option A. It has been previously discussed. Living without God in the world, that’s Option B, also previously discussed. Those who are living in the Lord, meaning they do things and think things always through the filter of pleasing God or not offending God, or just trying to do His Will, or seek His guidance, are happier. I don’t mean they are lacking in sadness or free from adversity, travail, affliction, or the negatives, the hard things, the things that we think of as cause for sadness or depression. In aggregate, they are happier, in spite of days or times when they are troubled. On the whole they are happier, even if in particular there are stressful times.
On the other hand, those who go with Option B, and are living without God in the world, are not as happy. I could even make the case (as I have previously explored) that they cannot be happy at all, to the degree that they are keeping God out of their lives. For every moment, in other words, that they turn away from God, they have a moment of unhappiness. That unhappiness of course is not abject misery or deep dark depression, and it may even be, and often is, hidden deep under many layers of fatty fun, entertainment, thrills, and energetic pleasure seeking. Usually, when the music stops, though, the realization is quick to settle in, that they are basically unhappy, and peace, true peace in heart and mind, is elusive. In fact, the reason for seeking thrills, fun, excitement, entertainment, and in ways that do not allow for God, is to forget the unhappiness. Like a drunk who drinks to forget his troubles, all brought on because he’s a drunk.
Those who opt for Option A and are living in the Lord, or trying, will be doing things that tend to bring happiness. They will be serving others, and in their quest to please God they will eschew practices that in and of themselves tend toward unhappiness. I quit Option B a while back, and I’m trying very hard to be in Option A.